Fortran code for sorting a data array
This program can be used to sort a set of data array either in ascending or descending order. program sort_data implicit none integer, parameter :: array_length = 100 integer :: i, count double precision, dimension(1:array_length) :: data double precision :: temp logical :: not_sorted open(unit=1, file='data.input', action='read', status='old') read(1,*) (data(i), i=1, array_length) not_sorted = .TRUE. do while (not_sorted) count = 0 do i = 1, state - 1 temp = data(i) ! if one needs to get ascending order need to change here .LT. to .GT. if (data(i) .LT. data(i + 1)) then data(i) = data(i+1) data(i+1) = temp count = count else count = count + 1 ...