Mac - OS and VIM Tips

Mac - OS and VIM Tips

To get the desired feature edit ~/.vimrc file

Enable text color

filetype plugin indent on 
syntax on

Jump to beginning/end of a line using Shift Home/End 

:map <ESC>[H <Home> 
:map <ESC>[F <End> 
:imap <ESC>[H <C-O><Home> 
:imap <ESC>[F <C-O><End> 
:cmap <ESC>[H <Home> 
:cmap <ESC>[F <End>
Jump from one word to another using the option + forward arrow and backword arrow combinations 

:map <ESC>f el 
:imap <ESC>b <C-o>b 
:imap <ESC>f <C-o>el 
:cmap <ESC>f el
